Thursday, 31 March 2011

Ask Rob & Reese - From Moviefone And CNN


Moviefone New Unscripted Interview
In 'Water for Elephants,' Robert Pattinson plays Jacob, a young veterinarian student, who falls for a circus performer named Marlena (played by Reese Witherspoon). Their relationship blossoms while taking care of an elephant in the show, but they soon encounter danger together at the hands of Marlena's husband .

If you can't wait for 'Elephant''s April 22 release date, Moviefone is offering you the chance to participate in the next episode of 'Unscripted,' with the movie's stars, Robert Pattinson and Resse Witherspoon. This is your opportunity to find out what it's like to be an Oscar-winner or a vampire -- whatever you think is a bigger deal. 

Submit your question in the Ask! box HERE, including your name and location, by 12PM EST on Saturday, April 3. Once your question pops up on the screen, other users can vote on it. Simple, right? You can also vote on questions submitted by others.

CNN also wants your questions - on video

You have the chance to interview the cast of the historical drama “Water for Elephants”. They will be sitting down soon with!

Robert Pattinson, along with Academy Award winners Reese Witherspoon and Christolph Waltz, will be joining us to talk about what it was like joining a circus and working with their animal costars in this movie adaptation of the New York Times bestseller novel.

Be sure to upload videos with your questions for the cast by Friday, April 1. Please keep them to 15 seconds or less. Look for the answers soon on!

Upload your question HERE

via robstenation

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