Wednesday, 28 July 2010

InStyle Germany Article On Robert Pattinson

New interview with Robert Pattinson from InStyle Germany. Translation below


Unbe­lie­ve­ably sexy

Twi­light Star Robert Pat­tin­son about love with­out rules, the first, excit­ing love, why he would love to have a dog and why he only lives in hotels.

Robert Pat­tin­son drinks tea with milk for break­fast. He switches off the air con­di­tion­ing and in exchange opens a win­dow. Dur­ing the inter­view in the “Four Sea­sons” Hotel in Bev­er­ley Hills the 24-year-old Twi­light star wears a black t-shirt with beige Levis jeans. His leg­endary hair is cut short at the sides. That’s because of his role in the circus-drama “Water for Ele­phants” set in the 30th, which he shoots at the moment along­side Reese With­er­spoon and Christoph Waltz. A huge dif­fer­ence to Edward Cullen, the vam­pire, with which mil­lions of girls have fallen in love. In the third film of the series, named “Eclipse”, Bella (Kris­ten Stew­art) has to avow to her undy­ing love. In real life both of them remain silent about their rela­tion­ship. Robert con­tin­ues to be a man girls dream about.

All your “Twi­light” col­leagues said that you were in love with Edward after read­ing the books. In love with a vam­pire that abstains from sex before mar­riage. What do you think of that?
I think that Edward’s afraid of sex (laughs). No, I kind of under­stand his point of view, because the stage in which you are not sure of your­selves in a rela­tion­ship is the most excit­ing. Maybe I’m old fash­ioned in this respect. There shouldn’t be rules for love. Some cou­ples meet in a bar, sleep with each other the same evening and live hap­pily ever after.

What do you think of girls that cry “Marry me” at your film pre­mieres?
It’s mind-blowing but it’s just a part of my job.

You once said that you had the deep­est rela­tion­ship with your dog…
I was only partly seri­ous. Unfor­tu­nately my dog, a West High­land Ter­rier, died last Decem­ber. He was 18 years old. I love dogs and I’d love to get one again, an older one that’s already been trained. Do I want a dog that’s already per­fect? That would be like get­ting a fur­nished apart­ment. Very impersonal.

But you’re used to that right? You only drive rental cars, live in hotels, eat in restau­rants. How does it feel to be home­less?
It’s nec­es­sary. In Los Ange­les I live in 5 dif­fer­ent hotels, because after two days the paparazzi will be wait­ing in front of the hotel. I don’t buy a house because of that. After one week thou­sands of peo­ple would know were I live – that’s no home.

How is it to live in a hotel?
The room service’s not good for me. In Lon­don I was addicted to greasy Indian chicken dishes. Now in L.A. I order 5 healthy dishes, which are deliv­ered in the morn­ing. I’m only able to make toast and I add bar­be­cue sauce to every­thing (laughs).

Do you some­times feel lonely in the hotel?
There’s no time for that. I’m sur­rounded by peo­ple all the time. On the set you ask three­ hun­red peo­ple “How’s it going?” every day. I could eas­ily live two months with­out talk­ing to a sin­gle person.

Was it prefer­able not to be famous?
No, only more bor­ing. For­mer I wasn’t allowed to enter clubs. Now I’m avoid­ing them. The four months pre­vi­ous to the first “Twi­light” pre­miere were the months I par­tied the most. All of a sud­den I was stand­ing on the guest list of the coolest clubs of L.A. The paparazzi didn’t know me back then but all of the bounc­ers let me in. In Lon­don things are dif­fer­ent. If you slip the bouncer 200 pounds, you get in, no mat­ter if you’re famous or not. But I think my clubbing-times have passed.

The box at the right hand cor­ner is just his cur­ricu­lum vitae but in the sec­tion pri­vate there stands: lives in Los Ange­les, loves Kris­ten Stewart

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