Friday, 18 March 2011

Make Believe Clothing Company Mention Kristen

TM: How do you promote your brand and what are your most effective marketing tactics?

David : Because our company is so new, we are given the freedom to experiment on marketing a little more. of course we do the whole twitter, tumblr, facebook sort of thing, but it has been most effective to get it into stylists hands. a big part of our branding is letting people see who is wearing it and what makes it stand out from other brands as young as we are.

Our shirt was worn by Kristen Stewart on the tonight’s show with Jay Leno a few months back. That has really opened up some doors for us and really gave us the opportunity to go whatever direction we wanted.

We are looking into getting on 7 shows at this year Van’s Warped Tour, releasing a new line this summer and a few limited edition tees. You’ll be able to find out more info on our blog.

via allkristenstewart

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